Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013

Monte de Contenda, Portugal

Monte de Contenda, Portugal

Fig.1: Monte de Contenda, total field with dynamics -/+ 70 nT, square-mean procedere for correction of external geomagnatic noise, 40m-grid, North upwards

Fig.2: Monte de Contenda highpass filtered with 10x5 pixel matrix; dynamics -/+ 20 nT in 256 greyscale (white/black); 40m-grids, North upwards

Fig.3: Monte de Contenda final magnetogram; overlay of highpass-filtered data (Fig.2) on total field-data from Fig.1 with transparency of 60%; dynamics -/+ 40 nT in 256 greyscale (with/black); 40m-grids, North upwards

 Fig.4: Handheld frame for duo-sensor measurement with caesium-magnetometer Geometrics g-858G, Helmut Becker

 Fig.5: Handheld frame for duo-sensor measurement with caesium-magnetometer Geometrics g-858G,
Anne-Sophie Flade-Becker


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